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New Energy Sector Powering Jobs In Gippsland

Gippslanders looking to kickstart a new career in the growing clean energy sector are being given the opportunity thanks to the ‘earn and learn’ jobs program, supported by the Allan Labor Government.

Virtual Emergency Department Will Care For More Victorians

The Allan Labor Government is expanding Australia’s first ever virtual emergency department, doubling the number of patients that can use the service to get the care and advice they need, and potentially avoid an unnecessary trip to hospital in the process.

Faster Approvals For More Jobs And Lower Power Prices

The Allan Labor Government is cracking on with renewable energy projects by accelerating planning approvals – providing investment certainty for Victoria’s growing renewable energy industry and ensuring projects that bring energy prices down are built faster.

Walk-In Mental Health Support Now Available In Whittlesea

The Allan Labor Government is getting on with the job of building a modern and accessible mental health system for every Victorian - with the start of walk-ins at the Whittlesea Mental Health and Wellbeing Local.

Neighbourhood Batteries Helping To Drive Down Bills

The Allan Labor Government is making sure more families benefit from the massive uptake of solar and drive down their energy bills, through the first round of projects as part of the Neighbourhood Batteries Program.

Putting Consumers First Through Network Outage Review

The Allan Labor Government has appointed an expert panel to lead the Network Outage Review – following a catastrophic storm event on 13 February 2024 that left over 530,000 electricity customers without power.

New Appointments To Drive Coal Mine Rehabilitation

The Allan Labor Government is ensuring the rehabilitation of the Latrobe Valley’s coal mines sees them transformed into safe and stable sites, as the state’s transition to renewable energy continues.

Solar Savings On The Way For Apartment Residents

Thousands of solar panels will soon roll out across Victorian apartment buildings – slashing power bills by around $500 a year thanks to the Albanese and Allan Labor Government’s Solar for Apartments program.

Victoria Unveils First All-Electric Bus Depot

The Allan Labor Government has opened Victoria’s first electric bus depot in Melbourne’s north-east – as the state charges towards its nation-leading target of achieving net zero emissions by 2045.

Gas Substitution Roadmap Charts Path To Lower Bills

As gas prices continue to rise, the Allan Labor Government is helping Victorians reduce their reliance on expensive fossil gas – easing the cost of living pressures on families and businesses.

Fuelling Our Energy Workforce Through Schools

The Allan Labor Government is ensuring Victorian secondary students are ready to embrace the jobs of the future, with high quality renewable energy equipment to learn with.

First Look At Whittlesea’s New Early Parenting Centre

New mums and dads in the City of Whittlesea and across the northern suburbs will get the specialised support they need to care for their little ones, close to home – with the second of 12 new and upgraded Early Parenting Centres to open its doors later this month.

Constitutional Protection To Keep The SEC In Victorian Hands

The Allan Labor Government is enshrining the State Electricity Commission (SEC) in Victoria’s Constitution – preventing future governments from destroying it – so that Victorians can always rely on the SEC to put their best interests first and ensure continued investment in Victoria’s energy transition.

Victoria Rolls Out Its First Hydrogen Buses

Two Australian-made and designed hydrogen buses will be rolled out across Melbourne’s west, as the Allan Labor Government ramps up its transition to a cleaner and more sustainable bus fleet.