Media Centre

Training Workers To Keep Victorians Safe

Workers across the state will receive free accredited training to help them manage the ongoing risk of coronavirus infection in their workplace and keep the state open for business.

Keeping Sessional Kinder Fees Low For Term 3

The Andrews Labor Government will continue to reduce the cost of sessional kindergarten for families and provide kinders with extra cleaning for all of Term 3 as part of a $45 million support package during the coronavirus pandemic

Shining A Light On The Gig Economy

Almost two thirds of Australians routinely rely on online platforms such as Uber or Airtasker to buy goods and services, according to new research commissioned by the Victorian Government.

Road And Rail Upgrades Keeping The South East Moving

Motorists in Melbourne’s south east will soon have safer, smoother journeys with major construction on the Hallam Road Upgrade now complete and the nearby Evans Road level crossing to be removed by the end of the year.

New Labor Ministry To Focus On Jobs

Three new members of Cabinet have today been sworn in, with Natalie Hutchins, Shaun Leane and Danny Pearson joining the Andrews Labor Government Ministry.

More Support For Victorian Parents

Victorian parents and carers now have access to additional evidence-based practical advice and ideas to help their children’s learning, development and wellbeing.

Statement From The Premier

From the outset, we have always listened to our medical experts. And they’re telling us we’ve come to a critical crossroads.

Victoria Secures Protections For Basin Communities

The Victorian Government today secured further agreements on delivery of the Basin Plan to protect communities – including a renewed commitment from the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council to the socio-economic criteria for water efficiency projects first agreed in 2018.

Interim Protection Order For Mount Arapiles Site

An interim protection declaration has been made for an Aboriginal site in Mount Arapiles-Tooan State Park in the state’s north-west, following the discovery of culturally significant rock art.

Safeguarding Apollo Bay’s Fishing Future

Commercial and recreational boat owners will enjoy better access and improved safety at Apollo Bay Harbour thanks to the completion of dredging works at the popular site.