
Tackling Sexual Harassment In Our Courts And Tribunals

The Andrews Labor Government has welcomed the report of the Review of Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts – marking another important step forward in stamping out sexual harassment in the workplace.

Vaccine Rollout Ramps Up Across Victoria

The Victorian Government will this week open the doors of its largest high-volume vaccination centres to anyone over the age of 70 for bookings, as well as walk-ins without an appointment.

Victoria Reels In Record Fish Stocking Milestone

The Andrews Labor Government has reached its target of stocking 8 million fish in Victoria’s iconic rivers and lakes over the past 12 months, bolstering fishing opportunities for the future.

Keeping Our Kids Safe Around Schools

As Victorian students head back to school, the Andrews Labor Government is making it safer and easier to get to class, with new innovative pedestrian crossing technology and electronic speed signs being rolled out across the suburbs.

Helping Protect Hospitals From Cyber Attacks

Victorian hospitals and health services will share in $30 million to upgrade and modernise their IT infrastructure to help guard against cyber-attacks, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Backing More Women To Make The Call

Fifteen women are about to take the first step in progressing their dream of a career in sports broadcasting, thanks to a ground-breaking program from the Andrews Labor Government.

Non-Gov Schools Urged To Take Up Respectful Relationships

Respectful Relationships is a whole-school approach, supporting schools to embed respect and gender equality in all aspects of their culture – in the classroom, the playground, the staffroom, and the broader school community.

Reducing Night-Time Trauma For Young Drivers

The Andrews Labor Government is encouraging learner and young drivers to build up more experience driving after dark, with a new campaign warning of the added risk of night-time driving.

New Road Safety Camera Technology To Save Lives

Victorians using their mobile phones while driving – putting others on the road at risk – will be caught and fined after a successful trial of distracted driver technology.

Free Kinder Saving Victorian Families Thousands

Almost 100,000 families across Victoria are benefiting from free kinder this year thanks to the Andrews Labor Government, saving parents thousands of dollars and helping women back into work as we recover from the pandemic.