
Free Flu Shots For All Victorians

The Andrews Labor Government is making it easier than ever to get your annual flu shot this year by providing free influenza vaccinations for Victorians throughout June.

New Jobs For Social Housing Sector

A new employment initiative will create 200 jobs to service the state’s growing social housing sector, thanks to a partnership between Jobs Victoria and Homes Victoria.

Delivering Stronger Powers To Regulate Gambling

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing to ensure the state upholds the highest possible standard of gambling regulation, with legislation to implement further recommendations from the Crown Royal Commission introduced to Parliament today.

Helping High-Ability Students Strive For Success

More high-ability students at every government school in Victoria will have support to excel at school and reach their full potential, with more funding for the Andrews Labor Government’s Student Excellence Program.

More Teachers For Victorian Kindergartens

Early childhood workers will be supported to upskill and become kindergarten teachers, thanks to an innovative new partnership between the Andrews Labor Government and the Front Project.

New App To Tackle Gambling Harm

Victorians experiencing gambling harm will now have access to a new self-help program at their fingertips, thanks to a new app developed by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.

Aboriginal Heritage Council Applications Now Open

Victorian Traditional Owners are invited to apply for positions on the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council and play a key role in strengthening the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

More Support For Victorians With Eating Disorders

More Victorians living with an eating disorder will receive the support they need to recover and live happy, healthy lives, thanks to record investment from the Andrews Labor Government.

Keeping Vulnerable Communities Safe From COVID-19

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting frontline council staff across Victoria to keep vulnerable communities safe during the pandemic with a rollout of additional Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).

Modular Homes Housing People Across Victoria

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting people in need to have a place to call home with more than 100 modular homes being built and dispatched across Victoria.

More Vouchers For Kids To Play The Sports They Love

More vouchers for sporting equipment, uniforms and memberships are being made available as the Andrews Labor Government reduces the cost of getting in the game for thousands of Victorian families.

Targeted Support For At-Risk South Sudanese Youth

Young South Sudanese Victorians at risk of coming into contact with the justice system will be supported and empowered through a tailored working group made up of community leaders and stakeholders.

Standing With The Jewish Community Against Antisemitism

The Andrews Labor Government will continue to protect the fundamental right of Jewish people to live, work and worship free from prejudice or hate by adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.

Homebuyer Fund Helps More Victorians Live Their Dream

New figures reveal that one of the Andrews Labor Government’s key initiatives to help families and individuals achieve their home ownership dream is enabling dozens of Victorians every week to move into their new home.

Every Pet Counts: Delivering The First Pet Census

With more Victorians welcoming a pet into their family than ever, the Andrews Labor Government is backing the state’s first ever Pet Census to ensure pet owners have the support and services they need.

Aboriginal Victorians To Lead Mental Health Reforms

A new mental health hub will give Aboriginal groups leadership to redesign how care is delivered to their communities across the state, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s landmark reform agenda, transforming the way the mental health of Victorians is supported.