Media Centre

Kinder Kits Help Kids Continue Learning At Home

The Allan Labor Government is giving tens of thousands of children starting kinder across Victoria next year a free Kinder Kit full of fun and educational toys, helping them grow and learn through creativity and play.

Free Pads And Tampons Program Creating Local Jobs

The Allan Labor Government’s nation-leading work to provide free access to pads and tampons is taking its next major step with companies approached to tender to deliver period products in machines across the state.

Full Steam Ahead For SRL With Major Contract Awarded

Tunnelling on the Suburban Rail Loop will start in 2026 with the Allan Labor Government awarding the first tunnelling contract for SRL East – marking the next big step in the transformation of our public transport network.

Abolishing Commercial Stamp Duty To Benefit Business

The Allan Labor Government has worked with industry leaders to finalise a landmark reform that will progressively abolish stamp duty on commercial and industrial properties to encourage businesses to invest and create jobs.

Keon Parade Boom Gates Set To Go Early

The Allan Labor Government is set to remove Reservoir’s boom gates at Keon Parade and open the new Keon Park Station by spring 2024 – one year ahead of schedule.

Affordable Childcare Where It’s Needed Most

The Allan Labor Government is getting on with reforming early childhood education to give every Victorian child the best start for the best life – with the final locations of the 50 government-owned and operated childcare centres set to create thousands of extra places for children across the state.

Supporting The Mental Health Workforce Of The Future

A new comprehensive framework will guide Victoria’s mental health workforce, as the Allan Labor Government continues delivering the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

Keeping People Moving During North East Link Works

The Allan Labor Government has reached its latest milestone on North East Link – with vehicles now able to travel on the new Bulleen Road lanes for the first time – a day earlier than scheduled.

Growing And Valuing Victoria’s Kindergarten Workforce

Early childhood teachers and educators are central to the success of Victoria’s Best Start, Best Life reforms, and the Allan Labor Government is taking further steps to grow and retain this skilled and vital workforce.

Greater Access To Life-Saving Drug Across The State

The Allan Labor Government is continuing to strengthen its essential drug harm reduction initiatives with the life-saving opioid overdose reversal drug Naloxone now available in more places across Victoria.

More Of Victoria’s Top Teachers Upskill

Teachers help change lives, and thanks to the Allan Labor Government, more than 400 outstanding Victorian teachers have taken their skills to new levels through the Teaching Excellence Program (TEP).